I mentioned last week that we picked up a 3 ceramic pot thing-y for $0.50 at a local garage sale. Every week I spend at least $2 and usually about $8 on fresh herbs, so I knew from the moment I set my eyes on the ceramic thing-y that it was going to become an herb garden. The choice of herbs was easy (basil, cilantro and italian parsley), and in just a few minutes I was able to transplant the herbs (bought from a corner store for $5.62) to the pot. So, for a grand total of $6.12 we got ourselves a little bit of life in our place.
I’m a little nervous about growing these herbs (I’ve tried and failed, time and time again), but I’ve got them a warm and sunny spot (or a spot that would be sunny, if it would ever stop raining), and am crossing my fingers that I can keep them alive for delicious (and cheap) fresh herb-y goodness.
Have you ever successfully (or unsuccessfully) grown herbs? Got any tips?