Today I’m thirty. And I’ve never been more excited about where I am or where I’m going!
You knew this day was coming, because I’ve been keeping you up to date with monthly posts on the state of my 30-before-30 project! (I’ll update you on the state of that project, and what I’m doing next, tomorrow.)
I woke up this morning, and like with every birthday, I pretty much felt the same as the night before. I’m the same girl. With a few more wrinkles than I had 10 years ago. But a number isn’t going to change me.
On the counter was the perfect card and the gift from the hubs (since he never gets up as early as I do, he had set it out the night before).
I have an awesome gift-that-keeps on giving from my parents (30-things-we-like-about-al) so I got to pull out and read one of those things today!
I’m about to head out the door to go pick up my free birthday starbucks coffee and some fresh bread and fruit to make french toast. I’m having whipped cream on my french toast. Awesome.
Our website launched yesterday so we’re going to take the day off and go on “Fall Walk 2012”.
I’ll get the chance to visit with my mom and dad later today, and then the hubs and I are going for dinner.
Tomorrow some of our closest friends are hosting a thanksgiving dinner, to which we’ll bring ice cream cake.
Yesterday I was thinking about turning thirty and I realized I couldn’t be in a better place.
Happy birthday! I decided I’d just embrace 30, which is been working out great for nearly a year so far. I’m thinking 31 might be even better when it rolls around in a few weeks :)
Thanks! Your next year is going to be EXTRA exciting because of the new human you are growing!
Very Happy Birthday Allison! =D i love your blog, design and *Photography!!*, keep them all up!
Thanks Lily!!!
Happy *30*th Birthday i mean, :)
30 is awesome. Seriously loving my 30s. You’ve been working so hard and I know 30 is gonna be a great year for you <3
Yay!! I’m also so excited for you and your WEDDING! It’s going to be a crazy few weeks, I can’t wait to hear about it. Enjoy this crazy fun time! xo