Hi guys! I’m back. And this time, I’m going to try to be back to stay. You may not hear from me every day, or even every week, but I’m promise that I’ll post more than once in 5 months :) Part of the reason that I’ve been completely absent from my blog is because
Tag: random
Guys! This is my 300th blog post. So, let me tell you some random things. Then tomorrow I’ll tell you about how I made our new barnwood desks. A Random Number of Things in Celebration of Blog Post Number 300. Last night I made the most delicious pizza ever with a homemade crust, traditional pizza
Every time the Bing Hawaii commercial comes on I do a little jig at my excitement from the song. So imagine my delight when my wonderful couple this weekend selected it as their walking up the aisle song. I refrained myself from doing a jig, but I did come directly home to figure out just
In place of Travel Tuesday this week, I need to vent a little. Last week I sort of left you hanging, and I apologize about that. Despite the fact that we move around—quite a lot—I always forget just how long it takes to settle in to a place, and when I’m in settling in mode
Guess what, everybody? It’s a leap year! It’s not every year you can post something to the internet on February 29! So here I go. And my chosen topic? Leap years. (Surprised?) I think leap years are king of neat. My childhood friend Adam, who I haven’t spoken to – or thought about much –
On this Wednesday, the 30th day of November, 2011, I present you, my friends, with my one hundred and fiftieth post on this little blog. I started the blog on January 28 (306 days ago) so some super simple math that I don’t even need a calculator for tells me that I’ve been blogging, on
If you know me well, you might know that I have only one phobia. And that is of time travel. Yes. I know. I can hear you stifling your giggle over there. But in all honesty, the whole idea of time travel just scares the be-jesus out of me. I can’t even really expand on