banana bread

On Sunday afternoon, I noticed that three bananas were getting a touch overripe on my counter.  Usually I deal with overripe bananas by peeling them and tossing a ziplock in the freezer for future smoothies.  However, over the period of the juice obsession (more on that fizzled obsession to come) my freezer got inundated with unused bananas.  There is only so many blended and juiced beverages a girl can take.  So this time, this time I opted to make banana bread.

I’ve only attempted banana bread a handful of times before, it is one of my favourite things in the whole world and I’ve managed to fail at it.  Repeatedly.  But, never one to let failure knock me down on Sunday, October 23, 2011, I tried again. And I’m oh. so. glad I did.

The difference between this time and the last time I made banana bread?  Seriously, this recipe for Banana Banana Bread has about 4.6 stars after (wait for it) 6,573 reviews.  Six thousand five hundred and seventy three reviews.  Six thousand, five hundred and seventy three people have taken the time out of their day to spend a few minutes reviewing this delicious bread recipe.  Holy cow!

The other thing about, the reviewers generally leave helpful tips!  Specifically this one: from reviewer Nicole:

I have to say that if the bread seems dry and dense, chances are you stirred it too much, which is easy to do without even thinking about it. With sweet breads and muffins, you should always just stir to moisten. Never over-do it or else you will end up with a drier and denser bread or muffin.

That was my “ah ha” moment.  Cream your sugar, butter and banana mixture, but when the wet ingredients hit the dry ingredients… barely mix at all.  If you follow that sweet, sweet tip, sweet bread perfection will be in your future!



P.S.  It’s been a bit of a baking bonanza here on the blog, funny thing is – I don’t tend to bake much!  Regular recipes coming soon, I promise :)

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