Over a course of a week in February, our apartment went from feeling like a pretty-cool-place-that-we-lived to feeling like a home. And all that it took? 1) Hanging up our Printstagram, which I told you about in February, 2) hanging our art behind the couch, which I’ll tell you about someday soon, and 3) finding
Category: Decorate
Happy Friday friends! And hello! About a week and a half ago we wrapped our our SimpleTax’s incredibly successful first year. The next day I hopped on a plane and flew to Charlottesville for Heather and Gav’s amazing wedding. And I’m back again! Hooray!! One of the Pinterest projects that’s been on my list for
In October when I posted a collage of my 365-photo-a-day challenge, my friend Melissa suggested I reward myself with a Prinstagram poster. I thought that was a fabulous idea, so I picked out 105 of my favourite Instagrams and patiently waited it’s arrival. And then I couldn’t figure out what the heck to do with
Several weeks ago I talked about the pretty new handmade barnwood desks in our office. But I didn’t show you what the rest of the office is looking like. I completed the entire office redecoration project while the hubs was out of town at a wedding in mid-August. When he got home, we had undergone
This morning I woke up to this comment on my last post: “What do you look for on Craigslist? How do you decide what will/won’t work in your house?” and decided that the answer warranted an entire blog post! This post ended up being over 1,300 words long, so I was right! I’m pretty sure
Pretty, right? I’m kind of obsessed with the new barnwood desks that I constructed for us last weekend out of very old wood from Minnesota. And I did it all without any woodworking. I don’t own any power tools (or even a manual) so these were made from planks of wood, as we bought them.
This week has been crazy. I’m tagging our Canadian tax software like crazy. I had a full day wedding out in Fort Langley on Saturday. And I spent all day Sunday redecorating the office and constructing barnwood desks (barnwood sourced from an old shelving unit I bought from an awesome craigslist seller for $40). A
One of my most popular instagrams is of my brand-spanking new chalkboard wall. And I’m kind of obsessed with it. I’ve wanted a chalkboard wall since … well since I got pinterest in early 2011. Maybe even earlier. But seriously, these little guys are so useful. Shopping lists. Meal planning. A clock. Motivational quotes. I’m
Happy August ya’ll! While some of you might lament the passing summer, I’m excited because after August comes September. And September is when the next iPhone is rumoured to be announced/released! See you later crappy-camera-super-slow iPhone 3Gs (also, #firstworldproblems)! But I digress. I’m in the midst of writing a soul-baring post since it’s been awhile
We’ve been looking for a small couch/bed for our office in the attic. This will serve not only as a couch for meetings and brainstorming, but also as a bed for our (younger) guests and as our bed when parents-aged guests come to stay. I’ve been trolling craigslist for months and had narrowed it down
First of all, let me apologize… I’ve been remiss in posting this week. Blame this on the death cold that has taken over my body. It started last Thursday night with a seriously sore throat, was followed on Friday morning by a ear, throat and back ache, then turned into a brutal cold over the
The first part of my inspiration to add a little sumthin’ to our entryway had nothing to do with the entryway at all. Instead, it had everything to do with a little slice of counter in our kitchen that would get covered with mail, sunglasses, wallets, keys, and other entryway type things. This was beacause,
Getting a couch. Stressful: always. Extra stressful if you don’t currently have a couch and have to rest your weary bum on the floor. You’ve already heard about our trials and tribulations with Karl the Sofabed. Our next step after that was to head to Ikea to see if we would have even liked Karl
I have a love/hate relationship with garage sales. I love happening upon garage sales with good deals and sweet stuff. I hate heading to garage sales with a particular item in mind. I love garage sales where people are just trying to clean out their homes, and price their goods accordingly. I hate garage sales
We have medium-sized renter plans for our kitchen (which I showed you for the first time a couple of weeks ago). The colour is going to change. The table is going white. We are doing mis-matched colourful chairs. The first such chair is the white one you see in the picture. This chair was free