Last week, we settled into our working “remotely” routine. Remote is in quotation marks because really, wherever we work it’s remote! All we need our laptops and reliable internet! We divide our days between Clara duty and work time; one person always gets to work uninterrupted while the other person gets to play with the
Category: Musings
On Saturday night, Clara slept like an angel. She hasn’t slept for seven hours in a row for months and months, so it was such a treat for us all! Sunday morning was a bit of a blur; I got up early to pack our bags, and Clara and J slept in a bit. We’ve
When I left off, it was Friday morning and C was sleeping soundly in her carrier; she stayed that way for about two hours and then we ate lunch and set off for a couple of hours of wandering around before … yet another call! It’s been a busy week for business calls for us!
Day one. The ride to the airport in Edmonton was foreboding. C cried almost the entire way. It was only just as we pulled up to the airport that she finally settled and went to sleep. We didn’t realize in the car, but baby girl was getting a doozy of a cold. The flight to
Well, we are on another adventure! This time, we set off for seven(!) weeks with an almost-8 month old who has entered the danger phase. Wish us luck! The first week of our trip was in Edmonton for a wedding, and on Tuesday we flew to Spain and will spend 6 weeks in Spain and
Happy Friday friends! And hello! About a week and a half ago we wrapped our our SimpleTax’s incredibly successful first year. The next day I hopped on a plane and flew to Charlottesville for Heather and Gav’s amazing wedding. And I’m back again! Hooray!! One of the Pinterest projects that’s been on my list for
Yesterday was one of those days where you remember exactly why you moved to Vancouver. It was March 3. And this happened. On top of the fantastic weather, we were surprised that we had a bit of a “calm before the storm” (at least we hope the storm is coming) type of day. It was
Hello! See, I told you I’d be back. So. Let’s talk about my 2013 goals . I have two. Having two goals this year is very different from thirty goals I had in my 30-before-30 project, last year. And one of this year’s two goals is private (sorry mom; it’s not have a baby). And
Hi guys! I’m back. And this time, I’m going to try to be back to stay. You may not hear from me every day, or even every week, but I’m promise that I’ll post more than once in 5 months :) Part of the reason that I’ve been completely absent from my blog is because
Well… this is awkward. So awkward that I’m not entirely sure how to start. And I always know how to start. So, let’s go with: “Hi! How are you? It’s been awhile”. And it’s true. It has been awhile. An embarrassingly long while. A since October 18th kinda while. I guess I just ran out
If you are wondering about how I fared in my 30-before-30 post, head on over the the 30-before-30 page, where I’ve just posted an in depth update! In other news: I had an awesome day yesterday. I woke up at 6 (I’m a morning person, yo) to the best card and gift ever from the
Today I’m thirty. And I’ve never been more excited about where I am or where I’m going! You knew this day was coming, because I’ve been keeping you up to date with monthly posts on the state of my 30-before-30 project! (I’ll update you on the state of that project, and what I’m doing next,
… and why I’ve been a bit remiss with my blog posting… Aside: Snapknot is hosting a contest where you can win a Canon 5D Mark III or a D800. These are $3500 camera bodies. You should enter now! I don’t know what the weather feels like where you are living, but fall has arrived
Hi friends! My in-laws are here visiting for a week to celebrate their anniversary. I’m super busy with my jobs. It’s the last days of summer. So I’m taking a break! I’ll be back September 10 with a month 11 update (a few days late) and then we’ll get back to business! Don’t miss me
Guys! This is my 300th blog post. So, let me tell you some random things. Then tomorrow I’ll tell you about how I made our new barnwood desks. A Random Number of Things in Celebration of Blog Post Number 300. Last night I made the most delicious pizza ever with a homemade crust, traditional pizza