When I left off, it was Friday morning and C was sleeping soundly in her carrier; she stayed that way for about two hours and then we ate lunch and set off for a couple of hours of wandering around before … yet another call! It’s been a busy week for business calls for us!
We walked through the old part of Sitges and up and down the beach promenade a bit more—this town is awesome. It’s small and walkable and liveable and totally adorable. To get a little caffeinated before our call, we grabbed our most delicious cafe con leches so far on a cute café’s terrace (the other guests, wait-staff, and passersby on the streets cooed over C while she gnawed on a sugar packet, managed to bite off an edge—despite having 0 teeth, and got her first taste of the sweet stuff)! Then it was time for a business call, and dinner at home after that.
If you are interested in the baby jet lag part of the journey, C’s third night’s sleep went something like this:
9:00 post shower, falls asleep (maybe even a bit earlier)
10:30 WIDE AWAKE, so comes and sits on the couch to watch quiet Discovery TV (our one English channel) with mom & dad because we are too pooped for any other type of baby entertainment
11:30 mom and C go lie in bed where C proceeds to use mom as a jungle gym. Also a licking post.Kisses?
12:15 dad joins us, mom goes to sleep, and after some indeterminate amount of time, he gets her to sleep! Woohoo!
6:30 C wakes up to eat
9:30 C wakes up for the day
So, we are super close! It’s now 11:51 on night 4 and (after finally falling asleep at 10:00) she hasn’t woken up yet. Fingers crossed people!
Today was awesome. This morning J found us the most adorable little café in the most adorable little park (l’Hort de Can Falç). It was a hopping Saturday morning in the old town, but this park was a quiet oasis where we drank café con leches and then played in the playpark! This afternoon was even better.
When people ask “Why Sitges?” I haven’t had a great answer. But now I do! A few days ago, our friend Evelina (who we met on our Antarctica trip) messaged me and said “You’re in Sitges?! We should meet.” I had completely forgotten she had recommended we come here months ago when we were deciding between Lisbon and Madrid! So, this afternoon we met up with Evelina, and her sweet girl Karolina at San Sebastian beach. I didn’t think I could like Sitges more, but the neighbourhood near San Sebastian beach is incredible, a little more local and family-y than the old town and a mere 5 minute walk away.
We had the best afternoon on the beach. Clara played “with” Karolina (mostly with Karolina’s toys), crawled on the sand, and went for her first dip in the Mediterranean. Then we stopped in at Evelina’s sea-view apartment and almost decided not to move on to Madrid tomorrow. It was that good.