Well… this is awkward.
So awkward that I’m not entirely sure how to start. And I always know how to start.
So, let’s go with: “Hi! How are you? It’s been awhile”.
And it’s true. It has been awhile. An embarrassingly long while. A since October 18th kinda while. I guess I just ran out of steam.
And now I’m here to reflect on 2012 and to think about 2013. And to warn you that it is going to continue to be kinda quiet around these parts for the next little while. You know that “quitting your job to start your own businesses” thing that I’ve got going on? Well, apparently your own businesses can wring out your heart, your soul, and every spare second of your time until there is not much left.
We’ve had an … interesting … couple of months. The kind of months that we couldn’t have even imagined when we started on this journey. The kind of months that I don’t wish on anyone, ever. It’s been tough. And I’m exhausted. Don’t worry too much: despite being tired, I’m ok and the hubs is ok, and our product is growing into something really awesome. But our business needs every ounce of my all for the next couple of months, which is why it’s going to stay somewhat dark in these parts. If you miss me (and you are interested in tax) I am going to have my tax tips blog launching at simpletax.ca/blog sometime this week. Woohoo!
And on a positive note, 2013 is looking promising. We’re going to release our product. (And it is really good). And wedding season kicks off immediately after tax-season with Heather & Gavin’s wedding and runs right through to September 1st with some pretty great clients in some pretty awesome spaces.
Throughout wedding season, I’m hoping to take a “tax-break” and finish up all sorts of things that are as yet un-done around our place (we still need a bookcase, I need to reupholster our awesome armchairs, we need art in the family room, the half stripped kitchen table needs a lot of love, we need a headboard, our world’s ugliest dresser needs a facelift … the list goes on). I also hope to come back to my beloved blog, and you guys (if anyone sticks around until then!)
And despite the rocky end to the year, 2012 was quite possibly my best year to date. It started with the wedding in Uruguay, which was quickly followed by Antarctica. And this. (If you haven’t seen that yet, click through, you won’t regret it). Three months soaking up the atmosphere in Buenos Aires got us all charged up and ready to take on our next adventure. My first season photographing weddings in Vancouver was a great success — I am so happy with my work and where it is going this year, and then as wedding season wound down, I dove head first into SimpleTax. And I love it, and I care so much about it, I’m pouring my heart and my soul into it. I feel like in 2012 I took my life and steered it towards the direction I ultimately want it to go.
But guys. I’m tired. And I’ve got a big couple of days (and months) ahead of me. So know that I love you, and I miss you. And I hope to be back again before not too long.
And because what’s a blog post without some images, here’s a few shots from our snowy snowy Christmas in Ottawa.
I figured you were super busy with SimpleTax! Gav and I can’t wait to see you, and you’ll be able to meet Nicole again too.
I know you guys will rock SimpleTax and everything else this year has in store. Hang in there and don’t forget to take good care of yourself!
I took weeks and weeks off too, and all I did was have a silly baby. I think your project might end up being slightly more productive than mine ;-)