Adventures with Clara

Well, we are on another adventure! This time, we set off for seven(!) weeks with an almost-8 month old who has entered the danger phase. Wish us luck!

The first week of our trip was in Edmonton for a wedding, and on Tuesday we flew to Spain and will spend 6 weeks in Spain and Portugal! As usual, we are working remotely with a bit of touristing thrown in on the side!

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Our trip started off well in the Vancouver airport with Clara’s Nexus interview (she passed!), some time to kill in the play area, pre-boarding, and a snooze on mom on the way to Edmonton.


The purpose behind our visit to Edmonton was Katie’s (our wedding MC and my oldest friend) wedding to Marek. Clara attended the ceremony and then had a play date with Cohen before the ceremony. She had a sleepover at her great Aunty Shirley’s and was (almost) a dream baby the whole time. She could have done without the 1 am screaming wake up (exactly 5 minutes before we got home) though!


The next couple of days were spent playing, playing, playing in her Edmonton grandparent’s basement. We originally were playing upstairs, but the hardwood proved much too dangerous for this baby who got her first bruises!


A couple of walks in the beautiful (summery) fall weather punctuated the short trip to Edmonton.


And also, I got brown hair.

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