to flip and to flop

I’ve mentioned my achilles tendon injury once or twice on the blog (here in my ode to running and again in my birthday post). As I mentioned in my birthday post – the injury flared up again, and I finally started going to physio therapy. The problem? A repetitive strain injury and achilles tendonitis caused by running too far and too fast while seriously overpronating. The pain? It’s from scar tissue. The treatment? Busting up all that scar tissue (both by hand and by ultrasound), stretching, strength exercises, and orthotics.

The first three treatments are ok (sometimes painful, sometimes boring, but necessary, I get it). The fourth item, the orthotics are a pain in my ass. They are awesome in my sneakers, my boots and my running shoes; business shoes not so much, and I’m worried about warm weather. (I know, it is only early November, but I’ve got my reasons.) The problem is that I love flip flops. You simply can’t wear orthotics in flip flops. I hate walking sandals. So, Google and I went on a little date with two requirements in mind, I wanted sandals:

  1. With good arch support.
  2. That are cute or cute-ish.

Google and I went all over the web and he showed me sandals from ugly to cute, from good arch support to havaianas. This search lasted several hours until I narrowed it down to three pairs meeting both requirements. All happened to be on sale, in my size, at Sierra Trading Post. It’s like it was meant to be. Hooray!

Achilles Tendonitis?

Clockwise from top: 1. Chaco Switch Flipside; 2. Rogue Roseanna; and 3. ExOfficio Devata for a grand total of $86.42 including shipping (after an additional 20% discount on two of the three items from retailmenot). Sierra Trading Post tells me I saved $119 off regular retail prices (53% off). Woot!

It’s always a gamble buying shoes online, but at these prices (and for sandals) I’m willing to risk it.  They just arrived at my parents place in the desert yesterday, and my mom tells me they look good (hi mom!).  I’ll report back after using them to let you know how it’s going! For now, I leave you with links to each of the shoes!


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