This post is sort of like a double whammy. Not only do you get sweet New York Travel Tuesday photos, but you get to see how the first roll of B&W went! Exciting, right?
On September 30 – October 2, the Suter kids went for a weekend in NY. We stayed in the Syncapse pad in Soho; we went to the Brooklyn flea market – my first time to Brooklyn, and I loved it; we ate delicious meals, notably dinner at Salt Bar and brunch at Extra Virgin, which was insanely good; and we went to the Book of Mormon (only the funniest 2.5 hours of my life). We also got lots of good visiting, lots of walking, and lots of good tourist-ing in. I love New York. Could I live there forever? Probably not. Could I live there for awhile? Without a doubt. Interestingly, I think I would rather live in Brooklyn than the city. Maybe that’s my cheapie side kicking in.
On the roll of film. I think I rocked the second roll so much more than the first roll. My focus was on most of the time (except the two shots where it mattered most, unfortunately). My exposure was really good. And it was really, really, fun. I’ve since added another roll of the same B&W film to my camera, so I’m working on another roll like this! So far, the neatest thing about the fully manual camera is realizing just how long it takes to frame an awesome shot if you only have one chance at getting it right. I figure that each frame costs about $1.50 (not including the cost of the hardware), so I really try very hard to get it right the first time. And boy, does it take awhile.
So, here you go, New York. If we are facebook friends, you saw these awhile ago! I was super excited about them!