Today is the third in a series of pre-programmed posts while I’m off in Antarctica. Antarctica! Yay!
Today’s two blogs I like? Food blogs, or blogs that aren’t food blogs but have enough posts about food that I will lump them in with the food blogs because this is my blog and I am therefore the boss of classification. Yay!
And I’m starting to see a trend here. Yesterday’s blogs? Written by women. Today’s blogs? Written by women.
I guess I love me some women bloggers!
West Coast Nest
The reason this post is called “Food (or food-related) Blogs)” is because of Melissa’s blog West Coast Nest. Melissa is (currently) my internet friend, but we’re kind of the same person, and we are a little worried that the universe might explode when I get back to Vancouver.
Seriously people, she wore the same dress to her accounting convocation as I picked for my bridesmaids. That’s crazy.
But, back to her blog. West Coast Nest isn’t technically a food blog, but Melissa loves good food, and a large number of her posts are about food. She’s also an excellent food photographer. Her food posts are interspersed with other posts about her life in Vancouver (including snapshots of her cute puppy and hubby), and other things she likes. It’s a bit of a hodgepodge of awesome stuff. I seriously love her blog and you should check it out!
Food Happy
I love Food Happy. Steph (of Food Happy) is the sister of Lauren (of Rob and Lauren the super-awesome-Edmonton-based photography duo who also run the super useful Photography Concentrate). But I digress, let’s talk about Food Happy. Not surprisingly, Steph takes amazing pictures of her food.
On top of that, she has awesome info posts, tutorials, and recipes, which are mostly home-grown. And, she’s got an awesome writing voice. So go check her out.
Awww, thanks for the surprise blog love! Hope you are having a crazy wonderful time in Antarctica! :)
And because I know you are wondering… this one is Lavanderia from the Lost Type Coop :)