About 18 hours late, I present to you a super quick “best of” post for this last week. Once again, no “eats” on the internet jumped out at me this week. I also barely cooked at all this weekend. I lost my cooking mojo. The hubs and I did, however, have a super “fun” tax party (yay, refunds!) and book weekend getaways to Boston and Montreal in April and May to give us something to look forward to while we wait for summer (go team DINKs)!
But I digress, it’s actually not entirely true about nothing food related jumping out at me. I can’t get this Roasted Tomato Soup …with Parm Crisps (parm crisps!!!) out of my mind. It looks delicious, but as you may or may not know we are in the middle of a big time tomato shortage thanks to a late California frost. So. No tomato soup this week, but don’t you worry, it’s coming, and I promise I will report on how it goes!
On that note, back to your regularly scheduled round up of my favourite posts from the interwebs this week. First up. Sarah Rhoad‘s most amazing engagement shoot. Everything about this shoot made me swoon. It’s that good, which isn’t that surprising because it is by Sarah Rhoads. Check it out!
Next up, the very first post in Jodi’s (of Legal Nomads‘) Thrillable Hours series. Thrillable Hours is a series of posts about former and current lawyers doing amazing things. The first post in her series featured Naomi Duguid, former lawyer (who knew?), traveler, adventurer, and author of Hot Sour Salty Sweet one of the most beautiful cookbooks I have ever laid eyes on. This post made for excellent reading, and I can’t wait for more.
Last but not least, for my favourite design post of the week, I give you a simple “project” over at K.I.D. Collective. This one stuck out to me because I need a super skinny bedside table. Who would have thought of a cherry crate? And it looks so good! Now it’s just up to me to find one!