belt buckles!

So, this isn’t a fashion blog (and unfortunately for you fashionistas out there, it never will be a fashion blog –  frankly, I’m not fashionable enough!)  But, this is a blog about stuff I love and stuff I do, and I LOVE our new vintage-y belt buckles and want to shout out to the etsy shop, regan flegan, from where we got them.

regan flegan has an awesome Support Japan special, where $10 from their (already super reasonably priced) belt buckles goes directly to help relief efforts in Japan (and as you know if you’ve been around for awhile, Japan is near and dear to my heart).

Aren’t they so awesome?!  The cherry blossoms are for me, and the rising sun is for the hubs (though, you can bet that I will be “borrowing” his belt buckle every so often!)  A few closer-ups (that is the technical term):


Mine looks super cute with my new brown belt, a pair of jeans, and a casual white shirt.  I’m in love.

You should head on over to regan flegan and check it out!  As of today, they have still got several “support japan” buckles available. There are also a ton of other super cute buckles, like this one… and this one… Love etsy.

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