[Editor’s Note: I just found this draft way, way back in my archives! Woohoo! Free post! Funny timing, given that we are moving and I’m packing up all my jewelry, but hey, what can you do?]
Earlier today [AS: originally written in the spring.] my friend posted her new jewelry organizer on facebook. It was the world’s most awesome jewelry drawer made out of an antique printer drawer. I have been swooning over for months on etsy (it’s by by bluebirdheaven). But alas, I’m much too cheap to spend $128 on a jewelry organizer. Although it is really a piece of art as well.
Anyway. I actually have a pretty good jewelry organization thing going on. I like the tabs, I like the earrings. But the drawer. Wow. It needed some work.
Enter Winners. And $10.
In case you can’t tell… that is a two level organizer thing-y. With a slider. I’m in the big-time, now.
Organized, right?
It’s actually a super sweet solution. Pretty to look at. Easy to get at things (the things I use the least are in the bottom, back half. The things I use the most are in the top slider. In all honesty, the things I use the most live on the wall (the long necklaces and the earrings).
For now, feast your eyes on my awesome solution. And find $10, run out to Winners and cross your fingers you can get a two-layer slider organizer thing-y for your life too!
[AS: It’s been awesome. I love this solution and am keeping the dual layer slider forever.]
oh, I think my heart just went pitter-patter… totally pinning this to my “organized” board on Pinterest ;)