I’m always looking for fun (and nice looking) ways to store my jewellery that are not only esthetically pleasing, but practical too (if it’s not easy for me to put my necklace away, you can be sure that it is going to end up on the counter). I found these old frames on sale at
Tag: jewelry
[Editor’s Note: I just found this draft way, way back in my archives! Woohoo! Free post! Funny timing, given that we are moving and I’m packing up all my jewelry, but hey, what can you do?] Earlier today [AS: originally written in the spring.] my friend posted her new jewelry organizer on facebook. It was
Remember in March when I told you all about out super cool wedding invites, and then I told you I would talk about all sorts of fun wedding stuff? Well, here you go, more fun wedding stuff! (Because our wedding was the best wedding ever. For reals yo.) Today I’m going to talk to you