I scrolled through my travel tuesday images this morning and realized that I haven’t yet shared this one, and it was one of the coolest days of my life. In September 2008, we jumped into Devil’s Pool at the edge Vic Falls in Zambia.
Access to Devil’s Pool is only during dry season, which is generally September to December. You jump into the pool from Livingstone Island, and look over the edge where the falls plummet 108 meters (354 feet) to the river below.
To get to the island you attend a fancy brunch or tea on the island hosted by the Royal Livingstone Hotel and a guide is in the pool with you at all times. You get to the island in a little boat with two motors, have a tour of the island, jump in the pool with a guide (if the season allows) and then eat a delicious delicious brunch.
Even during the wet season (when Devil’s Pool is not accessible) I imagine the experience would be insane. Just maybe not as insane.
I am both terrified and jealous – that looks crazy!