One of the most interesting (and healthy) things that we are doing this summer is eating a ton of fresh local organic vegetables. The best way to do this? Why through a farm box (or community supported agriculture/csa) program of course!
We’ve signed up with Crisp Organics (formerly the Arkestyeyn-Vogler Family Farm) from Abbotsford, run by a friend of mine from law school. Each Wednesday, we pick up of box full of farm fresh veggies that has been delivered to a convenient location in Kits (they’ve got a few other pick up points in the city and one in Abbotsford, as well). It’s always a gamble, and has made me cook with all sorts of delicious vegetables that I’ve never even laid eyes on before! (Mouth-watering kohlrabi, anyone?)
All of our veggies are delicious, fresh and organic. And for $25 per week for a medium box, they are a great value! And if you want more information on the farm box, send me an email, I’ll be happy to answer questions and put you in touch with the farm!
This week’s box:
Love it! I have fantasies of getting a CSA box, but I also realize that by not having that option I avoid getting swamped with ten heads of lettuce or 15 giant zucchinis :)
So true, we crawled into summer this year and the start date got pushed back a couple of times. The first week I had a little #firstworldproblems style meltdown after receiving a box full of mystery greens (dandelion greens, mustard greens, horseradish greens, lettuce, other green things), but it’s only got better since.
I think the key is actually in joining a farm that is at least a few years old. My friend has been a member since this farm started its farm box program, and she pretty much ate only kale for an entire summer…