Wow. I can’t believe that it was 6 months ago that I posted my 30-before-30 list on my 29th birthday. My life has changed so much since that day, and I’m so excited about all of the exciting changes still to come this year. After a big day wine and bike touring in Mendoza yesterday, I’m going to cut to the chase and update you on where I’m at.
As always, I’m just mentioning items I crossed off the list this month or I made significant strides on this month. I’m pretty happy with how I’m doing!
Item 5: Creative Live Video
Last month I told you I had shot the footage for the Creative Live application. Then a few weeks ago, I shared the final product with you. I learned today that I was not selected to attend the course live. As suspected, I’m sad about this, and a bit annoyed because most of the finalists’ videos were well (well) over the one minute mark – whereas I laboured over every single word to meet the time “limit”. I actually haven’t watched the winning videos yet, I’m still a little to grumpy, but I am super excited for all those people who were chosen to go to Seattle! And, it may be a blessing in disguise, as it will allow me to attend a wedding industry mixer in Vancouver. Ever the optimist my friends!
Item 11: Improve my Spanish
I booked a fish spa appointment over the phone. In Spanish. I rule. That is all.
Item 12: Become a better food photographer
All of my restaurant blogging this month has been awesome for my food photography! I’ve still got lots of room for improvement, but I’m headed in the right direction!
Item 17: Master my new film camera
I’ve finished shooting my fourth role (in Tigre) and took only my film camera to Mendoza over the last couple of days. I’m going to finish both rolls this month and get them developed! Another update coming soon!
Item 18: Be less afraid
I wrote a serious soul bearing post on this topic in March. I’m finally starting to rock this one. Go check it the post on things that scare me for more details!
Item 20: Workout regime
March rocked for running. I started getting shin splints at the end of the month – most likely due to my very very old shoes, so I’m taking it pretty easy until I get home. But… the endorphins in my brain have signed me up for the Sun Run on April 15, the Scotiabank half marathon on June 24, and have booked a hotel room and massage – but not the race yet – for the Victoria Marathon. That’s on October 7. 2 days after my birthday. Holy crap!
Item 21: 365 366 iPhoneography project
I rocked this month. I only missed one day, and I blame that one day on getting sick (again).
Item 22: Photographer friends
I’ve started working on this goal. It’s a super fun goal.
Item 23: Other wedding vendor friends
I’ve made a list. Now to send emails. Also – the mixer I referred to above will help with this goal, for sure!
Item 25: Interview wedding photographers
First interview with Tara McMullen posted earlier this month! Check it out!
Item 29: Food Blogging
Since the announcement of #Richmond365, I’ve been rocking the food blogging. 3-5 posts a week have been food related. Check out the eat category for all food posts (both restaurants and cooking)!
Wowza! You are kicking ass my dear! :) Awesome work!!!!! You should be so super proud of yourself.
Happy Easter & have a great weekend!
Way to go girl! My 30 before 30 list has turned into a 30 before 31 list haha! My list my rules right?
Awesome that you signed up for the Scotiabank run! Having a race to train for definitely makes getting out for a run easier.