If you are my facebook friend you may have seen this pop up on your newsfeed on Sunday. At which point, I’m pretty sure you would have thought to yourself “dang self, that girl is cr-azy!” And you are right. The following is what possessed me to bake bread, pitas, cookies and to prepare a
Tag: cookies
So… last night I was just about to go to bed, I’d been planning for a 10pm bedtime, and it was 9:55. I was pretty much ready for bed when I had a craving for something sweet. And peanut buttery. And my mind flashed back to a couple of recipes I’ve seen in blogland over
I’m quite excited about this “best of” post for two reasons. Well, more reasons than that, but I’m only going to post two of them. First: It’s “take 4” — i.e., this blog has been going for a month — and I’m really excited about how things are shaping up! I spent several hours
It was about 2 hours before I planned to go to bed and I had a craving for freshly baked warm peanut butter cookies. Big time. It was a cold and dark night and we’d had a dinner that I had found less than satisfactory (more on that later). I had a case of the