If you are my facebook friend you may have seen this pop up on your newsfeed on Sunday. At which point, I’m pretty sure you would have thought to yourself “dang self, that girl is cr-azy!” And you are right. The following is what possessed me to bake bread, pitas, cookies and to prepare a
Tag: bread
Please excuse the terrible pun. Given my new home decorating bent, I’ve been reading a lot of Young House Love and the cheesy title puns are rubbing off on my like crazy! So. Bread. I’ve tackled bread a couple of times before: this delicious beer bread that I mistakenly thought used the yeast in the
I discovered Gabrielle of Honest Fare’s recipe for Beer Bread in a roundabout way through pinterest. (Yet another reason why I love pinterest). I’ve never made bread before, unless standing around while my best friend’s mom made bread with her bread maker counts… At the best of times, I’m not much of a baker so