You know how nothing beats a puffy, gooey, cinnamon bun? Well, do I ever have a recipe for you! This recipe for cinnamon buns comes courtesy of my mom: (way) back in her day as an undergraduate student at the University of Alberta, she used to drop whatever she was doing at 10am and line
Tag: breakfast
Please excuse the terrible pun. Given my new home decorating bent, I’ve been reading a lot of Young House Love and the cheesy title puns are rubbing off on my like crazy! So. Bread. I’ve tackled bread a couple of times before: this delicious beer bread that I mistakenly thought used the yeast in the
Ok. I admit it. I’m addicted to my daily breakfast of oats. In Buenos Aires, it was rolled oats (including these amazing peaches and cream oats) but now that we’re back we’ve moved on to delicious steel-cut oats. Though steel cut oats take longer to cook (about 20 minutes), their nutty, chewy, filling-ness more than
I interrupt my week of Antarctica posts to introduce you to an awesome breakfast I made a couple of days ago and have been eating steady since. Home made peaches and cream oatmeal. Remember peaches and cream oatmeal? That stuff is delicious. But it is also pretty sugary and full of ingredients I can’t pronounce.
As promised, Travel Tuesday is something just a bit different this week (and likely for the next 10 weeks or so). Rather than just an image, it is a little glimpse of some of the trips we’ve taken throughout 2011. One such trip was over the May long weekend (about May 24) to Montreal. I’ve
I have been on an Oh She Glows recipe pulling spree for the last several days. Of course, I’m pinning all of them. In the last couple of weeks, every time Anglea has tweeted a recipe, it’s pretty much been exactly what I have been craving. For instance, I’ve been on a bit of a