If you are wondering about how I fared in my 30-before-30 post, head on over the the 30-before-30 page, where I’ve just posted an in depth update! In other news: I had an awesome day yesterday. I woke up at 6 (I’m a morning person, yo) to the best card and gift ever from the
Today I’m thirty. And I’ve never been more excited about where I am or where I’m going! You knew this day was coming, because I’ve been keeping you up to date with monthly posts on the state of my 30-before-30 project! (I’ll update you on the state of that project, and what I’m doing next,
Well. Today is the last day of my 20s. It’s also the last day of both my 30-before-30 and the photo-a-day project I was doing as part of my 30-before-30 project. I can’t really believe it! Here’s what a year in pictures (minus about 60 days, represented by coloured boxes) looks like. For bigger versions,
Several weeks ago I talked about the pretty new handmade barnwood desks in our office. But I didn’t show you what the rest of the office is looking like. I completed the entire office redecoration project while the hubs was out of town at a wedding in mid-August. When he got home, we had undergone
A friend of mine posted a link to these amazing outdoor hotel suites on Conde Nast Traveller earlier today and I just want to go to all of them.
Just a little late with travel “tuesday” this week guys. Earlier this week (or possibly last week) I learned about a blog called The Dropout Diaries from Sally (Unbrave Girl). I love it. And it was this blog that got me thinking about the several weeks I spent in Vietnam as I travelled around the
[Update: There is a new order deadline of October 6 so you’ve got a little more time!] You’ve heard a lot about my friend Jenn on both this blog and on my photography blog. She’s pretty awesome. Jenn’s been organizing happy organic meat pools for her friends for several years, and these meat pools have
When we got back from Buenos Aires and stayed with our friends Sam & Graham for about a month we were introduced to the deliciousness that is homemade pizza dough. (I’ve talked a bit about this here). Since then, homemade pizza has becoming a more and more frequent occurrence in our lives; to the point
It’s late (well, late for me) Tuesday night and I’m dreaming of going to India. Found on Pinterest
That’s french for “I baked a peach galette.” I’m sort of fancy. I’ve made Martha’s delicious stonefruit galette twice this summer. The first time I made it with fresh Okanagan peaches, and the second time with fresh Okanagan plums. Both galettes were equally delicious when served warm (not hot) with ice cream. As peach and
This morning I woke up to this comment on my last post: “What do you look for on Craigslist? How do you decide what will/won’t work in your house?” and decided that the answer warranted an entire blog post! This post ended up being over 1,300 words long, so I was right! I’m pretty sure
… and why I’ve been a bit remiss with my blog posting… Aside: Snapknot is hosting a contest where you can win a Canon 5D Mark III or a D800. These are $3500 camera bodies. You should enter now! I don’t know what the weather feels like where you are living, but fall has arrived
This is my friend Jenn at Bodega Mevi. Both are awesome. This image (and all the images in this post) were taken on my Nikon FM. When people say “Mendoza” to me, I immediately think “Bikes & Wine”. I love biking and winery-ing. Love it. It’s my favourite way to see wineries. The first time
Hi Guys! I missed you! That being said, taking a 10-day break was exactly what I needed to get inspired again! Now I’m back and ready to roll. And first up: an update on my 30-before-30 project. And guess what! This is Month 11. That’s right, I’ve been chipping away at this list for 11
Hi friends! My in-laws are here visiting for a week to celebrate their anniversary. I’m super busy with my jobs. It’s the last days of summer. So I’m taking a break! I’ll be back September 10 with a month 11 update (a few days late) and then we’ll get back to business! Don’t miss me